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Homestay Development


Infrastructure is often one of the hardest, yet most important needs to get funding for.  In order to hire well-skilled people, we need proper housing. 


But isn't there existing housing in our area? Unfortunately not. Due to a lack of infrastructure development and service delivery in these rural areas, there are a major shortage on housing in our community. 


And, to add to this, most local homes do not have access to water borne sanitation, running water or electricity.  We’ve realised that we need to our own fund to develop homestay accommodation to house our growing team.


We also realised that if we improve local accommodation options, then we can also create business opportunities for local host families.

We have managed to develop two different types of homestays:


1 - Build a completely new house on a local family’s land with whom we have good relations. 

2 - Renovate an already existing hut into a two-room accommodation. This is also on the property of a local family with whom we have good relations. 


If you would like to support us specifically for our homestay developments, please contact us, or you can make a payment into the following banking account with the

reference: Homestay Donation. 

Current Homestays

Acc name: Sihamba Sonke
Bank: First National Bank
Account Type: Cheque
Account No: 62759245676
Branch Name: Umtata Mall
Branch Code: 210643
Reference: Donation – Name


Please e-mail the proof of payment to with subject "18A Certificate", if you require a tax deductible certificate at the end of the year. 

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